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Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Colleen Lynn- the founder of, supposed victim of a questionable provoked dog attack and general fear monger, liar and all around piece of crap.
She loves her propaganda.
Well look at that- guess who provided that statistic- Mr. Debunked himself.
Let’s look at the real numbers-
“Over 7,000 children are hospitalized or killed due to gun violence every year, according to a new study published in the medical journal Pediatrics.” MSNBC writes. “3,000 children die from gun injuries before making it to the hospital, bringing the total number of injured or killed adolescents to 10,000 each year.”
In the 2009 Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID), 2,149 children injured were accidents.
The American Academy of Pediatrics wrote in 2012 that “firearm-related deaths continue as 1 of the top 3 causes of death in American youth.” Did you notice that? “Firearm-related deaths continue as 1 of the top 3 causes of death in American youth.”Not pit bulls.
— In 2011,14,675 people were wounded in an unintentional shooting but survived.
— Most unintentional shooting deaths occur in the home (65 percent), based on data from 16 states. The most common context of the death (30 percent) was playing with the gun.
The reality? Guns pose a bigger threat to our children and families than any dog. The reality? Lack of supervision, irresponsibility and recklessness – all actions that can have a tragic ending because of human error.
Even more reality? Guns have and always will wreck havoc and create a massive body count far greater than any breed of dog ever will.
1. Demand honesty from Dogsbite.Org
2. Demand real legitimate statistics that coincide with governmental organizations.
3. Demand that Colleen Lynn be held responsible for her deceptive practices.
Let our politicians know just how deceptive and dangerous really is.

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